One on One
I specialize in one on one training. I feel like the individual needs on the dog an human are better met in a one on one learning environment. Your relationship with your dog is a special one and I believe it’s important for you to learn to train your own dog. I believe training is bonding for you and your dog. To be eligible for one on one training you must be a member of my online training school. In the online school you will have access to all my classes. I have classes covering puppy training and classes like the cheat code to dog training that walks you through what to do everyday with your dog for 30 days. I added courses to keep you challenged and covering new topics. Most people find that after doing the online course they no longer need in person one on one training.
If you are interested in One on One training please email
Online Training
On demand training is now available. Start in any one of my online training classes today. No wait time. Training that is accessible and affordable.

To start training right away visit my new online video based training program. The link is at the top of the page.